We're teaming up with Artifact Uprising + Impossible Project for our FALL SNAP OFF
We’re inviting all Chicago photographers to create a unique piece of content with a secret prop chosen by our team. Think of this as the ultimate practice to working with a client. Creativity is a muscle...so, the more we practice, experiment, and challenge ourselves, the better we become. We'll give you the parameters and you create something unique that speaks to your aesthetic. At the end of the set time to go out & explore, we'll group everyone back together to vote for their favorite photos.
Grand Prize will win the Impossible Project I-1 analog instant camera (pictured below) + $100 gift card to Artifact Uprising
2nd + 3rd place will each win a $100 gift card to Artifact Uprising
> Saturday, November 19th at 10:00 A.M.
We'll start our morning off with some caffeinated beverages from Intelligentsia while we hear from fellow Chicago photographers John Stoffer, Alina Tsvor, Dennis Elliott, and Evan Sheehan about bringing inspiration to action. Then we'll announce the secret prop for everyone to use.
From there, you'll have the chance to flex your creativity and take a photo that you'll post to be entered to win prizes. Afterward, we'll come back to Low Res Studio to celebrate everyone's creativity by checking out what everyone took and voting on our favorites.
See you there!